Were great minds thinking alike or who did it better? Omarion & SPAG wearing the same Vintage ADIDAS sweater
Omarion only cause i dont like spag's hat but i wanted to comment on the layout of this blog, i think you guys should really get a website upgrade for such a nice high end store, the website seems very lackluster & if possible maybe have a link to purchase the items-theres so much vital info that it seems trivial when not presented correct
@ "Anonymous"..Stadium hat to match my stadium sweater(fashion is so easy).This is just a blog!We represent lifestyle,like going into a store to shop not sitting home buying shit.
Omarion only cause i dont like spag's hat but i wanted to comment on the layout of this blog, i think you guys should really get a website upgrade for such a nice high end store, the website seems very lackluster & if possible maybe have a link to purchase the items-theres so much vital info that it seems trivial when not presented correct
Lol mad funny.
Of course Spag looking way flyer than Omarion.
Spag omarion has on way to much patterns
I would like to say Mista Spag, only because Omarion threw me off with the scarf. Love ur style Mista Spag !
@ "Anonymous"..Stadium hat to match my stadium sweater(fashion is so easy).This is just a blog!We represent lifestyle,like going into a store to shop not sitting home buying shit.
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