What's Your Plan?
"Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind"
(Proverbs 21:5, Message)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
One thing I've learned is that success is not accidental. You're not going to accidentally accomplish your dreams. You don't accidentally have good relationships. You won't accidentally lose twenty pounds. You have to have a plan. If you're going to get to the right destination, you've got to know where you’re going and how you are going to get there.
If you've ever been at the beach just floating in the water and relaxing, you'll notice that after a while, the current will take you far away. That's how it is in life, too. If you don't have clear-cut goals with a plan in place to accomplish those goals, you're not going to end up at the right place. You'll just float around in life easily distracted not knowing where you're headed.
Today, I encourage you to examine where you are in life. What are your goals? What is your plan? Maybe your first goal needs to be to make a plan. Do some research. Talk to people who have been successful at what you are trying to do. Ask the Lord to guide your steps and connect you with the right people. As you step in faith to accomplish your goals, I believe God will pour out His favor so that you can experience His supernatural blessing on everything you set your hand to.
"Father in heaven, I commit everything I am to You today. Direct my steps. Order my destiny. Give me the plan to accomplish every dream and desire You've placed within me. In Jesus' Name. Amen."